I went to the "Mikado Mall" today....actually it's St. Vincent De Paul resale shop, but since it's the only other store in Mikado....the first one being the Mikado Market.... we like to refer to it as the Mikado Mall. I love shopping there because you get great deals and you help the planet by recycling used items. In my earlier posts I made "garden art"and it was at St. Vincents where I got the supplies to do it...minus the glue. Today I bought some more "garden art" supplies and other goodies, (that are to my liking), for just under $5.00. My goodies include a framed cork board, ceramic WELCOME house sign, a cute flower pot, glass ash tray with silver lining the edge....I don't smoke, it's just to put stuff in, a goofy glass squirrel, a glass domed cheese holder thingy (great for displaying stuff in or make a cool diorama), hinged glass box to display more stuff, candle that smells like bubble gum, 3 magazines, white flower shaped plate, glass lily pad, and 4 vases. What a deal! I will be making 2 new "garden art" displays out of that lot and I have ideas for the rest of the stuff.
The picture below is inside the Mikado Mall....back where I got most of my glass stuff. Everything is priced from .10 cents up to $1.00, maybe more depending upon what it is. Plus they have half off prices...today was anything marked in red was half off. Shopping there is like a treasure hunt! Check out your local resale shops and open your minds to the numerous things you can get cheap and turn trash into treasure. Happy shopping! : )
i do like going to places like this :0)